if you see my blog in a mess.
I don't know why it's all messed up on IE,
but perfectly fine in firefox. (:
Download link here:
i think my tagboard has some problem with it, right?Anybody encounter problems with it?
i can't seem to post my replies. ):soooo, i'll reply here!
Xuan: Fidelis_frenz4life@hotmail.com
It's no bother, babe. (:
Reader: I tried that too!
But it still doesn't work.
Sigh, stupid IE.
Vain: Hello, Vain. (:
Which shirt are you referring to?
Yelrils: Shirley Goh!
HAHAHAHAS! Seduce your backside can.
Alright. Not much pictures tday,
Accompanied my boy t
some audition thingy on saturday morning,
I like, waited in the car for 1 full hour.
Luckily i brought my book along. :D
Or i'll be calling him every 10mins t complain.
Blame on my restless butt!
Somemore i couldn't get out of the car
t walk arnd cos it was like, raining so so heavily.
&th aircon was like, super coooold.
I was like already wearing 2 jackets please.
So after the audition thingy,
we went t watch RushHour3!
It's like kinda short uh?
But we ate so much during th movie can,
We shared 3Subway cookies, Wedges, Nachos.
I swear it's because of him i grow fat all the time!
Pamper me &pamper me.
Not that i'm grumbling about him pampering me,
But sometimes th way we pig out is just totally scary.
Then darling had this performance
for NUS arts Beauty Pageant at dxo.
suppose t start at 8 &end at 10.
I think dxo is the most horrible place.
Eeeeeew. It's super un-classy.
Like, Trashy.
The Taps in th Ladies was falling off &squirting water.
Oh yeah, &the event actually started at 10pm can.
Because there was the fireworks display thingy.
Everyone was out watching,
so things couldn't get started.
And i had to rush off at 11plus
because i had a damn curfew.
Argh, And i almost sprain my ankle
while walking t th carpark.
&we had to park at Millenium Walk
because carparks were totally full &bursting.
MW's carpark is damn damn damn, huge can.
I waited at the exit while,
My boy ran arnd the carpark trying t find his car for like,
a whole 10mins before he found it.
Because he was afraid i'd get scolded by my mum
If i went home past my curfew.
&btw he drove to the exit &picked me up,
He was sweating like crazy alrdy.
So Sweet. (:
And Natsu Matsuri is this saturday!
I'm totally looking forward t it! :D
Uncle DANNY!

I just bought these twooooo!
Forever21 Forever21 Forever21 Forever21 :D
I'm like, so short. :x

Tday Serene sent me this.
It was taken like, Zillion years ago.
&it's my favourite photo.

Applied Nutrition Green Tea Diet Pills, Gel Caps 30.
I found that i bought too many extra of this.
GNC &Watsons is actually selling this at 49bucks!
And i'm letting it off at 15bucks.
Which is, a total loss on my end.
And i'm throwing in a meetup,
so you babes can save on postage!
Add me in msn/mail me at
if you're interested or you've any enquiries!
(Copied &pasted from webby)
Supercharge your Low Carb Diet!* Fast-Acting Liquid Gel Caps - Dietary Supplement - Dual Action Green Tea Diet.
Liquid gel caps allow nutrients to be quickly absorbed up to 200% better than dry tablets or capsules. The Dual-Action Green Tea Diet is a powerful blend of natural herbal boosters and nutrients that, when used with a healthy diet plan, has a dual action effect on weight loss which helps you:
- Curb Appetite*
- Kick Start & speed up your fat burning ability (thermogenesis).*
- Green Tea Extract - According to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Green Tea extract accelerates calorie burning through increased thermogenesis, particularly with fat calories. Researchers at the University of Geneva came to this same conclusion after a 10-week study showing significant weight loss in the test subjects.*
- Chromium Picolinate is essential for converting sugar into energy which helps to create lean muscles. Greater muscle mass allows you to burn fat even while you sleep.*
- Xenedrol is a natural blend of six potent nutrients developed by medical doctors, which curbs appetite while burning fat.*
- Advantra Z® - Potent natural alternative to controversial ephedra-based herbs. It is patented and works to: burn fat, and cub appetite.
I love y'all &taaaaaag darlings! :D
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